I Found The Library

It’s an amazing place. They have books, computers, printers, and even cushioned chairs. The best thing is there is this whole floor where everyone has to shut up. There are no roommates playing crappy music, watching tv, or complaining to you about their day. Before I became a NARP the library was a place where I went in to check in for my required athlete study hall hours and then immediately left and came back later to sign out. I never actually stayed in the library to do work. Today I realized that I have all this free time on my hands and all this work that needs to get done and campus has provided me with this environment to use that time to get all my work done. I have never been more productive in my whole college career. All this free time that I was using to learn about life as a housewife in New Jersey, I can now use to do my work. With no distractions. In the library.

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